Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Worst of all Music

Ahem. Ahem. Everyone settle down. Please. Can we have some order? I've got a few things to say.

There's no worse music than the music your girlfriend likes. Even if you kinda like the music your girlfriend likes, you can't really like it. You can't fully like it. You certainly can't share a lot of the same feelings for her music because frankly... music is our strongest link to the past. And no matter what music your girlfriend listens to, it's music she discovered before she discovered you. It's the music that will always remind her of ex-boyfriends and summer time blues and youth gone wild and wee small hours of the morning.

Something happens to me when relationships start, I have the urge to pretend their pasts never existed. Like it was all pretend. This is an especially odd instinct because have you ever been with someone far too naive for their own good? It's bothersome to say the least.

It's hard to think that they've had great times - perhaps the best of times with someone else. It's not cheating, often times, they never knew you existed and you'd be upset if they begrudged you your own past experiences, but nevertheless, if I hear one more girl tell me she's not that into Springsteen because she once dated a dude who played Bruce all the time and she totally got sick of it and thinks of his crazy ass everytime she hears "Glory Days" I'm going to throw a conniption fit.

S'cuse me Adam, um... hi. Longtime reader, first-time commentor. Isn't it possible - more than possible that you've been the very boyfriend you're referring to? Haven't you played Springsteen for girls causing them to think of you everytime one of his songs come on the radio?

Ahem. Well, that' a fine question. I uh, I'm not sure how you got in here. This was supposed to be a private conference filled with people who would only ask me powder puff questions. But I'm game.

I'd hope that I have never been that guy. My intention has always been to introduce people to certain music without pimping on them.

Frankly, I'm scared to play any music truly important to me, for fear that I will ruin it for someone. Or God forbid, that someone ruin it for me.

Your girlfriend's music is also the worst because eventually you are going to mention a favorite song of yours and realize that someone has already come into her life and given it some sort of meaning. Like a dog aiming to pee on a tree only to sniff the scent of another. And God help you if it's not just a song, but an entire singer or band taken up by someone else. I've been with girlfriends in the past that had wonderful, beautiful music completely soured by some ex-boyfriend or some oppressive boss at work.

Nothing you can tell me will ever make me as mad as if you tell me one of my favorite artists was ruined for you because of some stupid sonuvabitch who probably shouldn't have been listening to that music in the first place.

But Adam, again, aren't you pompously writing about a girfriend's musical history as if you haven't any history of your own? Is it ridiculous to say you may very well have ruined songs and bands for someone else?

No. It's not reasonable. Next question.

As a matter of fact... security, can you remove the person that asked that question? I will not be taken to task at my own press conference.

Would anyone else like to smart off?


The fact is, music is more a symptom than the entire disease of people's pasts. I'll never be able to listen to a girlfriend's favorite band or favorite song and feel what she feels when she listens to it. It isn't from my time. It's leftovers. Part of me hates this because I hate being out of sync, I hate carrying with me the absolute inability to understand. But another part of me hates it because I know there are those out there who do share those feelings.

They were there.

They helped form her attachments.

I'd hate to think that I ruined Springsteen for someone. Or maybe The Killers. Or The Black Eyed Peas. Or perhaps Streisand. My God, they're all so talented.

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