Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Oak Parking Restrictions

I am not a cranky old man, but for the length of this letter I'm sure going to sound like one.

I've lived in Oak Park for the better part of 17 years and when I first arrived, I remember this town resting on the laurels safety, architectural intrigue and commitment to community. But let's recount the reality of these commitments shall we?

Stand on any corner of town and you'll find twice as many parking regulation signs as mom'n'pop stores, a commitment born only from the village seeking a way to correct for mistakes they've been making for a decade.

I'm not the first to voice rage at the parking meter infestation plaguing our village and every commercial establishment in it, nor will I be the last. Even downtown Chicago isn't so blatant about not wanting its citizens to leave their homes.

Isn't this land theft exactly what the early settlers did to the American Indians? My grandkids better get free Fenwick enrollment and casino reparations to make up for all the miles I'm forced to walk because I don't have the dozen quarters it takes to park my car downtown to run errands.

I look forward to the first Saturday where Lake Street looks like a ghost town because Oak Parkers are all waiting until Sunday to drive anywhere with meters.

Which is now everywhere.

And as far as the architecture, I've taken the Frank Lloyd Wright tours. I'm over it. If the village wants to attract more residents, give them all a reason to reside here.

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